Tax Preparation
Check out the 2015-2016 Tax Facts section for tables for rates and deductions.
Read more from our specialized sections on:
- The Affordable Care Act (or "Obamacare");
- Energy Credits are still available for 2015 & 2016 tax returns;
- Strategies for High-Income Earners;
- Education Credits.
Contact us today to book your appointment!
Letter to Clients: 2015
Tax Preparation Checklist: 2015
College Financial Aid Forms
Are you in the process of sending your child off to college? As any parent knows who has already "been there done that," filling out the FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid) form and each college's subsequent financial paperwork can be a daunting task.
We can help you. In fact, if you book your tax appointment early enough, we can probably complete both your taxes AND FAFSA in one sitting.We either fill out the worksheets for you to enter online later, or we can enter online directly from the office.
This is a great service that helps to ease some of the financial stress involved with college costs.
More information about College Financial Aid Forms Rates.
Contact us today to book your appointment!
Starting a Business
Are you thinking of starting business? Do you need a business plan to convince banks to loan you start-up money? Are you worried about taking on employees?
We help people start up small businesses, be it a sole proprietorship, a partnership, an LLC, or a corporation. We'll discuss the different kinds of businesses, and their advantages/disadvantages to your particular situation.
We can register you with an IRS identification number and make sure that you are set up for all the required state taxes. We'll show you how to organize your accounting system, and how to track your "bottom line" throughout the year. We can set up online payments for those as well.
If you're a corporation, we'll make sure that you are also registered with the Secretary of the Commonwealth, and that you can pay all your state corporate taxes online.
More information about Starting a Business Rates.
Contact us today to book your appointment!
Payroll Services
Payroll paperwork getting you bogged down? We offer a customized payroll service that will fit your particular needs. We can generate your payroll, print and deliver the checks (or set up direct deposits), and make sure that your quarterly tax paperwork is always completed and filed on time.
At year's end, we'll generate your employees' W-2 forms, and prepare them for mailing. We also handle any 1099 forms for sub-contractors.
More information about Payroll Services Rates.
Contact us today to book your appointment!
Accounting Services
We have a good number of clients who prefer to have QT& B handle their business paperwork. Rather than hire a full-time bookkeeper, they ask us to come in and do this work on a regular schedule.
In such cases, we work on-site, using your computer but our software. We make weekly visits, open mail, enter your bills, generate checks, run your payroll, reconcile your bank accounts, and give you a weekly cash flow statement. We deal with government correspondence, and make sure that all tax liabilities are filed on time.
Other clients, who don't need weekly visits, use our service on a monthly basis. They drop off their check registers for the month, and we enter the data into our system. We file the necessary taxwork, and give them up-to-date reports as to the status of their business.
More information about Accounting Services Rates.
Contact us today to book your appointment!
Retirement Planning Consultation
Are you due to retire in the next two years? If so, it would be in your best interest to have a budget set in place to make sure that your retirement cash flow meets your retirement bills and plans. There are also many questions associated with retirement.
Often, people ask me:
- How much should I have withheld from my pension?
- How much should I take out of my 401(k) each year?
- What will my tax liability be like once I retire?
- Can I afford to retire early?
- Will I need to have a part-time job once I do retire?
A pre-retirement meeting with me can help you to sort out those questions, as well as highlight other aspects of your retirement that you may not have considered.
In order to make our one-hour meeting as productive as possible, you should bring:
- The gross amount you will receive each month from your pension;
- A list of bills that will still be present after you retire (mortgage or rent, car, tax, insurance, and utility payments);
- Totals of all other savings; and
- A bucket list of retirement dreams (travel, purchases, legacies).
More information about Retirement Planning Consultation Rates.
Contact us today to book your appointment!
Estate Taxwork
Has a loved one recently passed away? Are you in charge of disbursing the estate? While you will almost always need a lawyer to handle the intricacies of the will, QT&B can offer you a less expensive way to complete much of the necessary paperwork. We can help you fill out Form 706, and, if needed, will complete and file the estate income tax forms.
We can help you understand the special vocabulary involved with an estate. We'll explain, for instance, the importance of dating a fiscal year to your advantage, and the special treatment of inherited IRAs and annuities. We'll inform you with the knowledge so that you can make many of these important decisions BEFORE you go to the lawyer's office.
More information about Estate Taxwork Rates.
Contact us today to book your appointment!
Elder Financial Services
In 2004, QT& B started offering a check writing, checkbook balancing service to elders who found that the task of keeping up with their bills had become too much for them. One of our representatives meets with such clients on a monthly basis, balances the checkbook, reads over all the mail for month, and then writes out the necessary bills. We also set up many of the usual bills (such as electricity and phone) on an automatic basis.
However, this is not just a check writing service. Our representative is trained to look over solicitations that the client receives during the month, and to make him/her aware of the "small print" before an unfortunate purchase is made. We try to keep our older clients from unwittingly being talked into financial or product purchases that may be more harmful than helpful.
More information about Elder Financial Services Rates.
Contact us today to book your appointment!
Budget Planning
If I were able to pick one re-occurring phrase I hear when tax-time comes around, it would be, "We made that much money? WHERE DID IT ALL GO?"
If you're having trouble monitoring your cash flow, if you feel swamped in debt and don't seem able to save, we can help you by planning out a family budget. We don't offer flashy "quick fixes." However, we can help you identify "cash leaks" in your family's financial picture and offer solutions on how to change your spending habits.
More information about Budget Planning Rates.
Contact us today to book your appointment!